First of all, yeah, it has been over a year since I last updated. I have recently been thinking about a lot of things that suddenly relate to the reasons I started this blog, so here we are.

I’m now a graduate of a Christian university and have quite frankly no clue what to do with my life, but that is another entry altogether. When I got back to my home church, I found myself missing the community I had at college- people who could be up in the middle of the night to talk about anything. I realized that my age group- the “Post high school through age 30” group, had no real micro-community in our church. So, with a to be the female leader and my second in command, I started a group to fill that gap. We  have been meeting since New Years Eve, once a week for Bible study and here and there for fun stuff. And it has been going pretty well! Praise God!

So this is where the title comes in- I’ve been leading this study for a while now and I’m having trouble coming up with good Bible studies to go by. One of my main selling points for this group is that it is “topical”- studying specific issues that people my age are going through, rather than studying one book of the Bible at a time. Here is the list we made of topics we deal with: Relationships (friends and “friends”), Faith/Purpose/Future/Direction/Decisions, Careers/Jobs, Stewardship of time/money/etc., Motivation, Love (various meanings). I have come up with something for each week, finding a study online or a devotional that, when expanded, did what we needed. However, I have yet to find a good “Purpose/Direction” Bible study- do they exist? I’ve had a lot of trouble finding them, despite the amazing resources that the internet provides.

So, I don’t know what to do, exactly. It becomes harder each week to find a good study. I have been a leader in a lot of situations, but I’m having trouble leading this study. Apparently “topical” studies are few and far between. Let me know if you find a good one.