Setup for Communion

March 28, 2010

I’m posting a couple pictures of what I worked on tonight, in preparation for communion tomorrow enjoy!


We have 4 folding tables around the cross in the center. We used some plaster collumns from around the sanctuary space for candles and such- very purposefully set at different levels. The whole idea was to put you, quite literaly, at the foot of the cross. I used a crimson-esque piece of fabric at the base of the cross for some symbolism- whether or not anyone will notice is yet to be seen : ). I wanted to use a lot of candles around the cross to both illuminate the cross itself and the tables, without creating a ton of attention on the people who are taking communion directly around the tables, and also to (hopefully) decrease the need for can/spot lights in the surrounding area. We’ll see how it goes!

And, as a bonus- here’s a quick shot of my “office” (nook…)

Yeah… it might not be much… yet. This isn’t a great shot, when I have more time, I’ll set up a tour.

Creative Media Intern

March 26, 2010

So, that is my new title- Creative Media Intern! I started about 2 weeks ago and I’ve been loving it so far!

I have been looking for media-type jobs for several months, but haven’t had a lot of success- but thats the job market right now, right? Add to that the ministry market- which is always suffering- and it is no wonder. I had one church tell me they needed a media guy who had more “real time church experiece”. They had me there! I needed some experience working in a church- so I talked to my dad (the Worship/Communications Pastor at my church) and asked if he was interested in an intern. He seemed really excited about the idea! So we worked out a plan of what I’ll be doing and put it on paper. I’ll post the list of my responsibilities later. I’ll be working with my Dad quite a bit. Lets hope we don’t end up killing each other.

My first week was spent editing a video for the children’s ministry at the church. This week has been spent planning my church’s part of “Stations of the Cross”, which should be great! I’ll try to put some pictures up when I have the chance!

Hopefully I’ll be updating much more frequently now that I’m in the ministry!