Setup for Communion

March 28, 2010

I’m posting a couple pictures of what I worked on tonight, in preparation for communion tomorrow enjoy!


We have 4 folding tables around the cross in the center. We used some plaster collumns from around the sanctuary space for candles and such- very purposefully set at different levels. The whole idea was to put you, quite literaly, at the foot of the cross. I used a crimson-esque piece of fabric at the base of the cross for some symbolism- whether or not anyone will notice is yet to be seen : ). I wanted to use a lot of candles around the cross to both illuminate the cross itself and the tables, without creating a ton of attention on the people who are taking communion directly around the tables, and also to (hopefully) decrease the need for can/spot lights in the surrounding area. We’ll see how it goes!

And, as a bonus- here’s a quick shot of my “office” (nook…)

Yeah… it might not be much… yet. This isn’t a great shot, when I have more time, I’ll set up a tour.

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