Most recently I was working on my church’s part of an event called “Stations of the Cross”. Many of the churches around town took part- it is much like our “Labyrinth”, but on a larger scale. I also think it lacked the seriousness and sober nature that the Labyrinth emphasizes. Still- it was cool! Our station was number 8 of 12, we were in charge of the “scourging and crowning with thorns” aspect.

Here’s a shot of our…booth, for lack of a better word. Maybe station?  Anyway, we were stationed on the sidewalk right next to the road. We built a light wooden frame and some stretchy black fabric. The wind was some 20 mph, we ended up using cinder blocks to hold it down.

Our station consisted of a video of the beating and whipping of Jesus along with the crown of thorns and a table holding replicas of both the crown and the cat-of-9-tails (the whip I made myself).

I brought up the idea of giving out water to people as they participated and walked through town. We added labels with the church’s logo (A design project of mine a few years ago) and handed them out!

We started with 3 cases and went through them quickly, went for 3 more, and eventually 3 more after that (9 cases total). It was great to be able to serve people in that way and also to show people that we didn’t have to preach to them, we were happy just to help. All in all, around 150 people took water and went through- great day!

And, as a bonus (YES!), here’s a shot of how I arranged the stage for Easter. I arranged the Easter lillies (a tradition I don’t entirely understand…) and some white candles- I thought it was a nice look!